Wednesday 25 May 2022
DACG Spring Symposium 2022
- Welcome and introduction – Carmen Guguta (DACG) / Wim Noorduin (host)
- Light-directed crystallization – Marloes Bistervels (AMOLF)
- Elucidating the effect of hyaluronic acid on the structure and morphology of calcium oxalate crystals – Sevgi Polat (Delft University of Technology)
- Floppy hydrated microcrystals – Rozeline Wijnhorst (University of Amsterdam)
- Dendritic growth of nanoislands on Pt(111) – Francesc Valls Mascaro (Leiden University)
- The asymmetrical dependence on {Ba2+}:{SO42-} of BaSO4 crystal nucleation and growth in aqueous solutions: a dynamic light scattering study– Sergej Seepma (Utrecht University)
- Probing the dynamic nature of calcite-electrolyte interface using atomic force microscopy – Saravana Kumar (University of Twente)
- KNCV Piet Bennema Award for Crystal Growth 2021 Announcement prize winner by Rob Geertman (on behalf of jury); “honorable mention” for other 2 PhD students nominated for this award
- Anaerobic calcium phosphate granulation – Ricardo Cunha (Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology, Duisburg, Germany), prize winner of the KNCV Piet Bennema Award for Crystal Growth 2021
The DACG spring meeting 2022 was held on 25 May at AMOLF, Amsterdam.
This was the first live meeting since COVID-19 struck upon us.
For a short report on the symposium see report